Three month Mentorship

Do you dream of being free from your worries, fears and limiting beliefs? 
Do you long to wake up feeling light, with an instinctive knowledge of how to navigate your emotions?
Do you wish to speak from love without anger?
Often, we can be prisoners of our past. 
I am here to remind you of your power to change this.
You can reprogram your mind and body to support the changes you want to make in your life.

What is possible with One-on-One Coaching?

The root of this work is deepening your understanding of your patterns, habits and beliefs, so you can integrate a healthy relationship within and with others.
This will lead you to embody confidence (to do the things you say you will do), peace (being in charge of your reactions) and to live authentically (showing up, speaking what is true and creating epic relationships in your life). 
We cannot ignore our experiences but we can move through them gracefully, with certainty in what we deserve. There is no need for suffering. You can take the lessons and transform deep-seated ancestral patterns that may have imprinted unworthiness or lack, into new beliefs awakening your truth, your power, your truth, your joy. It’s time to step into remembering your unique gifts and realise your potential. 

You can finally stop the internal and external suffering and take a true journey of discovery.

What Will We Do?

This in-depth and personalised three-month mentorship journey will: 
*Clear stagnant energy from your body.
*Transform any limiting beliefs holding you back, ( such as “I’m not enough, “I’m not worthy”) and create healthy habits to support AND sustain change in your life.
*Clear past trauma from the body and change ancestral patterns so you are not stuck repeating learned or inherited family dynamics.
*Teach you the tools you need to navigate ALL of life’s challenges.
*Help you understand your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies so you can feel safe, trust your intuition and inner wisdom and implement healthy boundaries supporting you to manage your energy, emotions and reactions in all relationships.
*Increase your ability for intimacy, opening you to love, acceptance, ecstasy and connection, radically transforming your relationships.
*Release feelings of hurt, disappointment and self-loathing so you no longer self-sabotage and instead make healthy choices in line with your future vision.
* Shift your energy so you are no longer chained to the past, learning to process your emotions with dignity and ease.
*Connect you to your true purpose in life.

Learn to step away from feeling you must do everything alone. Step into receiving the guidance you have been asking for.  Receive with grace because it is your birthright.

How Will We Do It?

We will work together over 12 weeks to take you from a place of fear, inaction and negativity to strength, confidence and love. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) forms the foundation of my practice and will guide our work together, helping you discover and explore internal patterns, behaviours and beliefs you have created and/or developed under the influence of others. The tools of NLP assist you in changing beliefs around capability so you can create a different reality, one that fills you with joy, possibility and fulfilment.  Other modalities such as breathwork, tapping, Reiki, timeline therapy and hypnotherapy will be incorporated as appropriate for your own unique healing journey. 
Tools for your journey may include:
*Timeline Therapy- Clears unresolved emotions, beliefs and dysfunctional patterns of behaviour. 
*EFT tapping- Emotional tapping technique with profound benefits for those experiencing anxiety, stress and PTSD. 
*Hypnotherapy- Works with the unconscious to transform deep-seated beliefs and behaviours so you can create sustainable change.
*Energy Cleansing- Works with the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, clearing any stagnant energy that can cause dis-ease within the body, mind and soul.
*Trauma Informed Breathwork- A two-hour ceremonial space using consciously connected breath, where you are supported to safely release and heal emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually creating dramatic changes in your choices and in your life.
*Health Review
Learn more about the Healing Modalities we will use here


It’s time to reclaim all you are and return to your original divine blueprint.

You are here to live in love and abundance.


Clarity Calls assess your specific needs and the session schedule is created following our initial conversation. All sessions are designed to focus on your identified areas of healing and change.