What is Sacred Breath?

The Sacred Breath is Trauma-Informed breathwork that has been developed to help you tune into a parasympathetic state. This is the state where our bodies and nervous systems feel safe enough to fee and to allow the breath to reveal deep parts of you for powerful healing.  The breath is powerful medicine, it reveals what you are ready to let go of. This is a safe and sacred journey of exploration. It allows you to unveil any blocks and limitations and often brings much clarity. It is guided in a gentle yet powerful way that has been hugely healing for men and women. I am honoured to be your guide in this sacred breathwork. 
What is Hypnotherapy? 
Hypnotherapy is a deep guided journey that supports you in changing beliefs and behaviours rooted in the unconscious part of the mind. For hypnotherapy to be effective, it has to be change YOU want to make. No hypnotherapist can make you do something that’s not in alignment with what you believe and what you want to change. It’s ethical and aimed to support you in breaking the cycle or patterns and limiting beliefs you’ve created or learnt that are keeping you stuck. The unconscious mind is formed before the age of, so the programming we run off  of for the rest of our lives is based on what we learn, absorb and experience prior to this age. We can then have internal battles as we question everything later in life if this programming conflicts with our true values. The journey to freedom is to unlearn that which does nothing support you in living the life you came here to live. Hypnotherapy is a powerful entrance to the 90% of your unconscious mind that holds emotions, beliefs and memories. Many are there for healing and resolution. In a safe and guided way, you can transform all that needs to be- re aligned to support your sustainable change and growth.  
What is N.L.P?

NLP is Neuro Linguistic Programming; the language of the mind. Through much study, research and personal experience, this modality drastically changed my life and awakened me to the stories that were keeping me stuck. The stories that were keeping me suffering. When I fully discovered its power, I wanted to bring this practice to every human I could so they could set themselves free from the mental construct of their mind! We are fascinating spiritual beings having a human experience. It is an honour to help you get to the root cause of your story so you can create an abundant, healthy, beautiful life. One without suffering or trauma, where you are perfectly where you are meant to be. Through our coaching sessions, individually and as a group, I can help you uncover, ignite, and shine a light on areas of your mind and stories you may not have seen. This can be even more powerful when we work together as a group, as one woman’s breakthrough ripples through the whole collective.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is creating stillness in the mind and body so the conscious logical mind can relax and allow wisdom, knowledge and insight to flow into your life. By mastering silence and observing thoughts and emotions that arise, you awaken your inner healer and create space for you to heal and understand that which is in your unconscious mind. Many emotions and events go unmet, unacknowledged and can result in dis-ease within the body. When you give yourself the time for stillness and doing nothing the realms of spirituality and understanding open. You aren’t feeling the pressure of the conscious mind or limiting yourself trying to understand life within the limited space of the conscious mind. You open up to another world of communication and support and guidance the mind can otherwise not comprehend. The spiritual world is magic. With this openness you can give yourself permission to feel and have access to guidance and energy to support you on your life journey. 
What is Energy Healing?
Having studied Reiki and crystal light healing, I have developed my own connection with guides and the spiritual realm. Energy healing allows me to be a channel to this realm and facilitate the healing that will take place. This work is deeply intuitive and will help you clear the energy field that affects both your physical and spiritual selves. There is energy medicine in words and silence. Often simply being present to your energy can bring lessons and the healing you need. This is a process of trust. With your firm intention and a channel’s magical devotion and sacred space, a container is created where miracles can and will happen.